Si mobilization in the rhizosphere and managment to optimize Si uptake
- Devise novel soil management tehniques suitable to increase both, Si availability in the rhizosphere and use efficacy of Si fertilizer for root uptake.
- Investigate Si release from wheat and maize residues during decomposition in soil and optimize methods of extracting bioavailable Si from biomass to be used as potential Si biofertilizers.
Si utilization in the thissues and biofortification of Si
- Resolve the controversy on the efficacy of foliar application of Si and characterization of bioavailable Si forms in different tissues and plant compartments.
- Testing the potential to improve Si use efficiency at the plant level by enhancing (re)utilization of Si different plant tissues towards cereal panicles.
- Exploiting beneficial effect of different soil managment techniques and fertilization technologies on contents and bioavailability of Si and other mineral elements (e.g. Fe, Zn, Se) beneficial for human health in cereal grains.
In-field demonstration of the key results
- Verification of laboratory results under true field conditions.
- Establishment of demonstration plots with the Si fertilization technologies found to be the most effective to increase farmers awareness.
Dissemination and exploitation
- Increase farmers awareness on importance of Si application in crops, especially in organic farming system, and broaden the public interest on health benefits of Si for humans and domestic animals.